Wednesday 8 July 2015

New News?

So my new news was sort of confirmed... but then sort of not!

Basically, I may be able to continue to make my Rock House work and hold a year long exhibition within Rock House. 

As I am a perfectionist, I have asked if I can keep playing with my images and swap in paintings I prefer and take out paintings that I like less. This idea really excites me!

Potentially I could create the most perfect exhibition and for once be happy with the final show. (Unlikely!)

And/or I will create an exciting, experimental body of work. Partly, because I have a short time to fill a massive space so will have to do some basic interventions at first, but also partly, because I will then have a chance to build on those basic interventions and see how far I can take them. 

All in all I am quite excited!

Just holding on for the formal confirmation.

Which is taking the wind out of my sails somewhat....

But, talking of basic interventions... I have entered one of my basic Rock House interventions into an art competition. Along with one of my, *thinks of the right word*, slightly surreal collages. 

It's unlikely that I will be selected.. but then I definitely won't be selected if I keep the works in my studio..

And they all got the same heartbeat, but hers is falling behind. (2015).

She sees them walking in a straight line, that's not really her style. (2015).